A Million Trees to Finland program aims to create more awareness about the importance of trees, forests and the surrounding natural environment – and to plant more trees. The project is comprised of seedlings events, Miniforests, exhibitions, the performative Silence Meal, as well, as a public program of seminars, lectures and school programs.
For further questions, please write us and we will answer any and all questions. This program is free for all children and youth.
Should you wish to support the A Million Tres to Finland, tax deductible donations can also be made. All donations will aid in the production and maintenance of the A Million Trees to Finland, especially the public and school programs, which will be free of charge to all children, youth, refugees and those with low income.
BANK: Nordea Bank
BENEFICIARY: Silence Project
IBAN: FI23 1228 3000 0466 05
Y - NUMBER: 2608075-8