
INKU Creative Industries Incubator
Szczecin, Poland
09.06. — 10.06.2022

INKU Creative Industries Incubator
Szczecin, Poland
09.06. — 10.06.2022
Size: 30 m2

The first Miniforest in Poland was built outside the INKU Szczecin's Culture Incubator with Nina Backman together with a group of volunteers. The project took place during the VI International Creative Congress Design Plus. INKU Szczecin's Culture Incubator was established on September 1, 2011. From the very beginning, it has been managed by the Media Design Association. It was established by the City of Szczecin - it is a response to the needs of organizations operating in the third sector in the field of culture. Additionally, a workshop on How to Plant your own Miniforest? and a talk by Nina Backman and the performative Silence Meal was also part of the VI International Creative Congress Design Plus, which was organized by Mika Klein and her team.

Photos: Artur Krajniak